Seeing beauty

Seeing beauty

Monday, October 10, 2011

The movement toward wholeness

It is a beautiful day today. The sun is shining and the autumn colors are prominent everywhere I look. It feels good to watch the red and yellow hues and take them in. The trees remind us of the continual cycle of nature. Great reason to contemplate how everything moves in a circle and changes. How nothing remains the same. We are always heading towards something and we go through our own cycles and rhythms. 
It gives hope to know that the spring comes again with new green leaves to share its beauty throughout the summer. It is good to let go and not hold onto something old. Everything goes through  it´s growth period and sometimes it  needs to be restructured or given away. Now I am ready to give away what no longer serves me. 
We are slowly heading towards winter months, here in the north, where there is more need to go within like the bear and reflect. 
I am now preparing a personal ceremony where I give away what is no longer needed from each direction of the medicine wheel. And then I breath in what I want into my life. It is going to be powerful and a part of my personal journey into shamanism. I have been past months circling around the medicine wheel. Finding healing and wholeness through observing energies and how I move in my life. 
East is the direction of mind and of illumination. It is were the wise one dwells and also the heyoka energy or the energy dancer who testes old structures to rebuild and renew.  It is the direction of the rising sun, the new dream. North is the connection to the Great Spirit, listen to our inner guidance, test our believes and spirituality. The West is connected to our emotions, the watery qualities and death and transformation. What can be redeemed so that new can enter? The South is the physicality, the manifestation of our thoughts and emotions. How are we connected to our body?  What are we manifesting in our lives? 
It is said that we have to use all the energies of the Medicine Wheel equally but sometimes we get stuck in the East-West energy dance, always moving between thought and emotion, thought and emotion or male and female debate. It is important to move the energy up North to the Great Spirit and then manifest it into our physical life in the South. 
There we get balance, and here is possible to dream our new life, using our positive thoughts and emotions connecting with Spirit and manifest it into our reality that is movement toward wholeness. Being whole and aware of the Great Circle of Life. Blessings

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