Seeing beauty

Seeing beauty

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I´m in the flow of positive emotions, I´m riding a wave of bliss and love. It is so good to be here. Smiling and loving the world. Feeling the energy and vibration of my being. Being thankful and caring from my heart. Sending love to my friends and loved ones and embracing the world.
The world is enchanted when I´m here. I can decide to be here always, and look at the world through the loving eyes and noticing the magic, the sunrise, the autumn colors, the patterns of the leaves, meeting lovely people, even opening book with messages to me, it just read "My dream catcher had turned into a threshold guardian and I realized that I had come full circle, having started this inquiry long ago with a deep desire to create a sanctuary. I had an insight that what art therapists were seeking was a protected, sacred space to come together for their own healing..In the intervening years, some art therapists have begun to embrace and integrate shamanic principles into their practices." This is exactly what I needed to hear because I feel as an art therapist and student in shamanism  deep urge to work with groups using creativity, spirituality and shamanism in a beautiful sanctuary to help people into empowerment and love. This is the road I´m moving towards and I know this sanctuary will manifest. Me and my soul-sisters are weaving this from the dream time into being, in a perfect timing. 
It is good to bring our precious gifts to the world
Love to all

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