Seeing beauty

Seeing beauty

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Finding Balance through
the Elements of Creation


The elements are all around us and within us, therefore very important in finding harmony and balance within. Our goal is to unite and work in balance with these forces both within and outside of us. Excessively use of one element or the other can be destructive and take us out of balance.

Mother Earth has her forces of creation always working its magic throughout time and history. In harmony they dance in balance creating healthy web of life around our planet.
Its not by any change that they are called the creative forces as they are powerful energies that can both destroy and create. Together they build and sustain our life on our beautiful planet and without them no life could thrive.
These are magical forces, our building blocks, with Spirit permeating all around, creating the alchemy of life and growth. Within we can learn from our Earth Mother and learn to use these elements gaining balance and power.

In the stories of the past the alchemists worked with the elements to change lead into gold. The metaphor in these stories are true, we can truly grow and find the gold within using the magic of the elements in harmony.

Mother Earth-artist- Solveig Katrin

To be grounded-to manifest into form
Earth is our stable ground, our security in matter, our Earth Mother that feeds us, sustains us, gives us shelter. Here we come to grow and our Spirit embodies and walks our path. Matter is tangible we can move our ideas and dreams into form and earth holds that form. It becomes manifested into matter. Our body holds earth, our bones and skin and we sustain our body with food. Earth is the cup that holds the water and it flows through its veins to the sea. Earth gives fire wood so it can be sustained and kept alive. We need to be grounded to use our abilities properly, so we can grow like a tree and blossom and share our gifts to the world.
We ground when we connect to nature, when we connect to our body and listen to it. We ground ourselves when we nurture our body with good nourishment and when we touch our loved ones and when we pamper our body through massage or body treatment. We can ground our energies with focused intention in meditation and vision journey. Feel earth! Be that tree! Touch your ground! Manifest that dream! Make it happen!

Spirit of Air-artist-Solveig Katrín

To be inspired-to flow with imagination
Air is the blowing wind around us sometimes whispering soft melodies, but often stormy and swift. It is ever changing like the thoughts in our minds and ideas that flow to us. Here we connect to our life giving substance the oxygen, our breath of life. We need air to stay alive, our lungs holds the air and we need air to keep the fire alive. To connect to air is to connect to the wind and let it cleanse our thoughts. Our thoughts can be calm like a lake or it can be chaotic like a storm. The air element is connected to imagination and inspiration that flow to us especially when we can calm our mind and be still and receptive.
We get inspiration through air element when we calm our mind through meditation and connect with our right brain. We use breath techniques to calm and cleanse our mind. We tap into our receptive nature and let the images flow with an open mind. We let the wings of imagination take us into journey into hidden worlds of wonder. Feel air! Be inspired! Let yourself go on a flight of imagination!


To be passionate-to kindle creative fires
Fire is the substance that gives us heat and power. Power of fire is outgoing, expressive, flames of passion and warmth. It can be both transformative and destructive. Fire gives us life, with the the sun making life possible on earth. With the use of fire we have been able to grow and develop as a species using tools to hunt and warm and cook food. We have to respect fire and use it with wisdom and humility. The fire element is connected to creativity, passion, heat, energy, power, light, force, kundalini awakening and enlightenment.
We tap into our passionate fires through self-healing and empowerment, using our creative side and movement through dance, body-movement, singing, creating. We tap into our shamanic-center above the solar-plexus and reclaim our god given abilities and power. Use your force! Be powerful! Ignite your creative flame!


To be in flow with emotions-to feel deeper
Water is the sacred fluid that keeps us alive on this planet. Water is soft and gentle embracing the lands with its bountiful ocean, flowing in mystical union and harmony with the tides and the rhythm of the moon, connecting deeply to female mysteries and emotions. Water is mystical, our life giving fluid, encompassing 70% of human body. Without water there would be no life on this planet. Water is ever changing, flowing, never static, always on the move, adapting to the energy surrounding it, taking form and molding stones and finding new pathways. Water changes its crystalline energy and crystal form mirroring thoughtforms, energy and light, ever adapting in synchrony with its environment. Water is connected to our emotions, ever changing and flowing like the water, molding us like the river molding its riverbanks and paths.
We flow with our emotions in harmony when we heal and work through our emotions. When we allow ourselves to feel deeper, not bury our emotions and feelings, but to really feel them and heal them. Everything that comes up is clearing away. We need to heal the past and dissolve our blocks. Then water element in us can move past the block and find a new path ahead, moving us into new direction. Flow with the emotions! Feel deeply! Dive into your mysteries! Flow through blocks! Liberate yourself!

So lets flow with the elements, not feeling so separate from our inner nature and be a part of the amazing forces that we see outside of us. The power is also within us! Lets embrace them and of course not forget the 5th element, the ether or the Spirit that is within everything.

With love and light***
Solveig Katrin